Thank goodness this app was only $0.99! Although the app is cute and works as described, the description of the app is slightly confusing. I understood I had to enter the foods I eat the first time manually, but discovered that I would have to reenter them again every single day!
The first day I spent an enormous time online finding the calorie count for many of the foods I ate. Some were easy as I just looked at the nutrition label, but others took a long time, i.e. coffee w/ sugar-free creamer and milk, an apple, an egg, etc. I wouldnt mind if the program stored these entries, but it doesnt. If you dont reset the foods you eat during the day, they just move onto the new day. Well, I dont eat the same stuff every day!
Well, another dollar thrown down the drain... :(
PS It would be great if Apple provided some way to test apps for a limited time before forking out the money for useless apps. Can I get a refund?!
PCSA about Daily Count